Saturday, August 9, 2008

À Mon Dieu...

Je ne vais vous demande
Pourquoi ça
Je ne vais vous demande
Pourquoi moi...

Je veux, mais je ne vous croirai pas
Je n'esperai de vous
N'importe pas quoi...

Si vous veux ça ~
Être comme ça
Être comme ça
Être comme ça...


Scarlet said...

I wish I could understand that fully.

Jagriti said...

hi scarlet, this is my first attempt at poetry in the basic french that i've just learnt...

it's addressed to God ("A mon dieu" means "To my God")...

It is a cry of disillusionment and disappointment in God or in someone you have trusted too much..and the end goes like ~

"Si vous veux ça ~
Être comme ça
Être comme ça
Être comme ça..."

which means ~

If you want it to be so ~
Let it be so
Let it be so
Let it be so...

NRkey Menon said...

Alas! The only french I know is from Agatha Christie, Megadeths A toute le Monde, and a tiny book called 'learn French in 30 days'...and I swear I have no idea what kind of 30 days they are talking about!

Scarlet said...

What I love about your poetry is that I get it as though I've written it. Thanks for the translation; I love it!

Jagriti said...

u r welcome scarlet...

"Earth wind and rain and fire,
Wealth power love desire,
One goal to live for before we die,
One taste of glory,
One mouthful of sky..."